Monday 25 September 2017

Equipment list

This is a list of the equipment that I will need to shoot my music video:
  • Camera, I will need this to film the music video
Image result for camera
  • Tri-pod, I will need this so that the camera will be steady and stable when filming
Image result for tripod
  • Cars, I will need this to travel to the filming locations
Image result for Silver vauxhall corsa 2005
  • Green Screen, I will need this so that I can edit the flashbacks into the background of the shot
Image result for green screen
  • Green Screen stands, I will need this to hold up the Green Screen when filming 
  • Adobe PremierPro, I will need this to edit the music video after all the filming has been completed
Image result for premiere pro
  • Adobe Media Encoder, I will need this to export the music video after it has been edited
Image result for adobe media encoder cs4 logo
  • The Mac Suite, I will need this so that I can use the programs to edit my music video
  • Lighting equipment, I will need this so that the film will be lit the way that I want it 
Image result for film light
  • Memory card, I will need a memory card so that I can transfer the footage from the camera to the mac, this is so I can edit the footage.
Image result for camera memory card

This helps me because I now know what to take and use when filming and editing the music video, making this means that I will not forget anything when on the day of filming.

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