Saturday 23 September 2017

Risk Assessment

Before we start filming we have to do a risk assessment so that we can outline the risks and so we know what to do to prevent accidents from happening.

When we film in the street there might be cars and this can be dangerous and a problem.

How dangerous is it?
If we take care then I think the risk is pretty low cause we won't be in the road.

How to prevent it 
We just have to make sure we are alert to any hazards.

If we do some scenes of the couple sitting on some rocks on the beach then we will have to be careful that our actors do not hurt themselves.

How dangerous is it?
It could be quite a dangerous risk if we are not careful or if the rocks are slippy

How to prevent it
We just have to make sure we are alert to any hazards

Breaking of cameras 

How dangerous is it?
We don't want the cost of a broken camera or the set back in our filming schedule due to a broken camera

How to prevent it 
We will make sure when we use a camera we will secure them tightly on a tripod so it doesn't fall.

Breaking of equipment 

How dangerous is it?
Similar to the camera we don't want any broken lights or stands that could set back our filming.

How to prevent it 
We have to be careful when setting up everything and make sure we do not rush the process.

Low risk 
Medium risk 
High risk 

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