Thursday 21 September 2017

Risk Assessment

How dangerous is it 
How to prevent it 
The street may have cars when trying to film
If careful the danger should not be a risk to the actors or us.
Be careful and make sure that people are alert when filming the scenes.
When doing scenes at the beach, we might do scenes on rocks, the actors can fall and hurt themselfs when filming these scenes.
It is a danger as the sea can make the rocks wet and slippy, this means that there is an increased danger that someone can hurt themselfs.
To prevent we will wear sensible clothes and shoes and be careful, as the rocks could be wet from the sea or rain.
The camras breaking
Breaking a camras means that there is extra costs and our filming schedule will be comprimised due to the broken camera.
To prevent breaking a camera, we will use a tripod to keep the camera secure as we will not drop the camera.
The equipment breaking
Breaking equipment such as lights or green screen will mean that our filming schedule will be comprimised, this is like the camera.
To prevent, we will make sure that everything is handled with care and set-up correctly.

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