Thursday 21 September 2017

Shot list

Opening scene 
Extreme close up of the eyes
Male Character
Green screen walking along the street 
Mid shot panning down from the eyes
Male Character

Long shot of the protagonists whole body as he walks to the camera
Male Character
Beach scenes 
long shot of them walking holding hands
Male and Female Character

Close up on the actors when they are eating ice creams 
Male and Female Character

Mid shot of them sitting on the rocks talking 
Male and Female Character

Long shot of them having fun at the beach 
Male and Female Character
Street scene 
Long shot of them walking next to each other 
Male and Female Character

Long shot after his girlfriend fades away showing him left alone 
Male Character
Long shot of him and his band mates in the chorus 
Male Character and Band Mates
Park scenes 
Close up of their hands holding each other 
Male and Female Character
Argument scene 
close up of their faces 
Male and Female Character

Mid shot of their body language as they argue 
Male and Female Character

Long shot as they walk away from each other 
Male and Female Character
Room scene 
Long shot after their breakup of protagonist grieving 
Male Character
Beach scene 2 
Long shot after breakup of his ex girlfriend reminiscing times of them together 
Female Character
Street scene 2 
Long shot of them walking past each other 
Male and Female Character

Panning shot of them walking 
Male and Female Character
Final scene 
long shot of the protagonist on his own 
Male Character 

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