Thursday 28 September 2017


This is my animatic for our music video.

I believe that the animatic has helped me in the development of our music video. This is because me found that me did not have enough shots in my music video, this means that I have added more shots to our storyboard, this is so the music video fits the length of the song.
I have also found that there are parts of the song that has no lyrics, this hinders my music video because I use the lyrics for visual representation in the video, because of this there will be a montage of clips of the characters relationship.
At the beginning of the song, there is just an instrumental, I first started by having a black screen at this point, however, I saw that the time frame is to long just for a black screen, so I decided to have a countdown like the old film reels, this means that there is more on the screen. 

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