Wednesday 20 September 2017

Media language

 There are lots of different concepts that we will be using in our music video.

One of these are the clothes that our actors will use. The main character in the foreground will be wearing dark clothes, this is because it will signify his emotions, such as depressed or sad. He will also be wearing darker clothes with the female character later in the video when they are grieving over the end of the relationship. However earlier in the video, the characters will be in lighter clothes, this signifies happiness, as at this point they will be in the relationship.

Image result for Black hoodieImage result for grey t

Another one of these are the locations that we will use. One of the locations is the beach, this will be one of the locations that will feature prominently in our music video, as we will use it at the start of the video and at the end, this follows Todorov's theory, where there is a equilibrium and ends with a new equilibrium. Another location that we will use is the drama studio on the school premises. This is where we will film the green screen and the main character, this is because we can make sure the lighting is correct and it does not rely on natural light, unlike outside.

Image result for Sidmouth beachImage result for drama studio

We will also use filters in our music video, this will also signify whether the characters mood is good or bad. At the start of our music video the filter will be light as the flashbacks will be of the character's relationship, the light filters signify that the characters are happy, just like the clothes. It will also be light near the end of the video as the female character will be happy, after moving on from the relationship. However in the flashbacks that the characters are sad or depressed the filters will be darker, this signifies to the viewers that they are feeling this way, this is like the clothes.

Image result for Beach england Image result for black and white bench

From this I have learnt how important media language is to the creating and filming of the music video. When in the making research and creating phase, thinking about media language helps the music video look better. Media language also helps when signifying to the audience what the characters are feeling and how we want to portray the characters.  

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