Monday 4 December 2017

Research on music videos

From editing the first part of my music video, I need to film the second part, I know what I wanto to film, however more research into similar music videos may help me to get some more and better ideas.
The song Unfinished Sypathy by Massive Attack is similar to the idea of my music video.

the music video of the song is the inspiration for The Verve's song Bittersweet Sympohny, hence the similar name. The Verve's song is one of the inspirations for my music video. The music vidoe is similar because they where both filmed in one continuous shot, also they where both filmed with the main character walking down the street. I like the music video, as I think that it is a creative and different idea, filming everything in one shot is different as this is one f the first music videos to do this.

From this I have learnt that the one shot throughout the music video is a different and an idea that has inspired one of the most famous music videos of all time in The Verve's song that was mentioned earlier. I have gotten ideas from this music video, one of the ideas is that there are many different types of people behind the character, this is a good idea as it shows diversity and adding this to my music video is a good idea. As it shows that the problems that the main male character can happen to anybody.

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