Tuesday 5 December 2017

Editing the Music video

Below are some images of the one minute of footage, this has taken many different attempts to get right for different reasons. One reason is that I needed to swich Macs half way through editing the clips, this is because the Mac would not render the files and the original PremierPro file would not load any of the fottage that was filmed, this meant that I was behind with the amount of work done, so I have now cought up on the work.

Apart from this one problem, the editing process and the filming of the music video has largely been a succuss as I have enough footage to edit for the time being. I am reshoting the chorus due to the feedback of my audience, as then the chorus will become much better and look more professional, as the lip synicing in the music video lets the scene down in my opinion and the opinion of the audience.

From this I have learnt that different things do go wrong in production and post-production, this means that I need to be ready for this and I was not ready at this point.

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