Tuesday 5 December 2017

Aucience feedback on 2nd draft of the ancillary

After completeing the second draft of my music video advert, I have gotten some feedback on my ancillary task.
  • The text on the advert is still not good, as it does not look like a professional text. From this I will try and change the text to make it look more professional.
  • The background looks better then the previous draft, however a background of a road could make more sence to the song title, although the background at the moment looks good. From this feed back, I will experiment with other backgrounds and see what looks the most professional.
  • The female character on the screen looks stranger, as the effect has made it so the chin sticks out more and the nose is bumpy. From this I will edit this to make it look more like the original image, this will mean that the chin will be less pointy and the nose will be less bumpy.
  • The text has been spelt wrong on "Boulevard". From this I will edit the text so that the text is spelt correctly.
  • The advert could look better if one half is in colour and one is in grey scale. From this I will test the colours and see if the colour makes the advert look better.
From this I have collected more feedback on the ancillary, I can now edit the advert to make it look better and more professional.

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