Friday 30 June 2017

Andrew Goodwin

Through the Beats
The structure, speed and beat of a song is represented in the video. This is done by:
  • Through variations of the chorus and verse footage in the video.
  • Cutting on the beat, so the video has a faster tempo there will be more shots in a small time period.
The music videos also represent the artist and the voice of the artist. This is by making the video suit their specific style of identity.

Narrative and Performance
The music video has to be compelling to watch repetitively, this can be done with performances in the video and the narrative of the video. The artist of the song acts as both the performer and in the music video as a narrator or a character.

Relation of Visuals to song
Disjuncture - The meaning of the song is completely ignored. The images in the video do relate to the music.
Amplify - The meaning of the song is exaggerated through the visuals in the video.
Illustrate - The meaning of the song is made clear through the video. This is the most common use

Technical Codes
Media language, in terms of camera angle, movement, lighting, editing and visual effects, all of witch is added in post production, work together to create a meaning of the video.
Tone, mood and atmosphere can be manipulated using colour, speed of the editing and using a variety of transitions.
To make the video look more believable, the settings need to look authentic.
Editing the video so that it cuts "to the beat" makes it so the video follows the rhythm and tempo of the song.

Image result for dancing in the distraction factory

From this I have learnt how music vidoes are made to look like a music video and not a shoet film. This will help me to create my own music video as the video will look less like a short film.

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