Thursday 1 June 2017

Link To AS Blog

AS Media Successes

  • Last year I leant how to use Audacity, without any pervious experience with the program. I did this by watching YouTube clips on tutorials to use the program.
  • My group's final piece looked professional and was a good opening sequence.
  • I leant how to work in a group well.
  • I learnt how to make a professional piece.
  • I learnt how to research and plan effectively.
  • I learnt how important sound is in film and the media.
AS Media Improvements

  • To communicate with the group more, as I feel that I drifted away from the group and did not convey my ideas.
  • To learn how to use different programs, such as PremierPro.
  • Plan more, such as making more storyboards and animatics.
  • I need to be more creative with ideas.

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