Friday 2 June 2017

Research on Genre


I will adhere to the conventions of a music video. These are:

Editing on the Beat:

I will be using this in my music video. I will use this in the chorus of the song, when the flashbacks start, this is because at the end of the sentence, the flashback will change. I am using this because it makes the music video feel more like it is part of the song and makes the video flow more with the song.

Lip Syncing:

I will use lip syncing in my music video. This will be used throughout the music video, as the main character will be lip syncing in the centre of the shot. I will use this because it makes the video seem as it is part of the song and lets the audience feel like it is the main caracter singing the song.


I will use a narritive in my music video. This will be told throughout the music video. This will capture the audience's attention. This is what I want to happen when people watch my music video.

Use of Lyrics:

I will use the lyrics in the song in parts of my video. This will enhance the narritive of the music video and also make the video and the song seem that they are the same. I will use the lyrcs of the song in my video because it adds continuity to the video and helps the audience to understand the narritive of the video, because the lyrics of the song are explaining the narritive.

However I will not be adhering to one of the conventions:

Star Image:

I will not use star Image in the video, this is because the narritive that will be told is not to do with the band or singer. I will not be using star image because I want to use actors that will be the same age as my target audience. This will mean that the audience understands the narritive more than someone that is of a different age group.

This has helped me to understand more about what will happen in my music video and what my music video will look like. This helps as I can change things about my music video now, rather than later on, where it will be harder.

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