Monday 5 June 2017

Analysing 2 Music Videos

Weapon Of Choice

The genre of this  music video is a music video, this is because there is no story to the video. This video represents middle aged men, as at the start the audience thought that he would do some weird dancing that wouldn't be fun for anyone, but he starts to dance like crazy be coordinated. The audience for this music video is everyone this is because everyone would enjoy watching the video as is it quite funny. The narrative is a man dancing to the song, but then starts flying. There is not much narrative in this music video. The special effects are very good and the video edits on the beat of the song.    

Take On Me

The Genre is music video/short film as it has connotations of both in the video. The video represents young adults as being daring because of the chase scene. The audience for this music video is everyone as lots of different types of people would enjoy this music video. The narrative is of a woman escaping from the real world into a comic strip. Where everything is crazy and outrageous. This is also a love story between the woman and the man in the strip. The end shows them finally being together in the real world. The animation of the video is amazing and so is the special effects in the mirror scene. This is a music video because there is a song throughout and the video edits on the beat of the song.

I have learnt from this how to analyse music videos, this is done using Genre Representation Audience Narrative Media language.

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