Saturday 3 June 2017

Top 5 Favourite Music Videos

5. Upside Down and Inside Out

I like this video because it is very inventive and abstract. This is like most Ok Go music videos. The actions from the band follow the beat of the song. The video is very colourful as the pain later on makes the video look better. The concept of zero gravity in this video is very enjoyable to watch. Even though there is no story in this music video it is defiantly one of the most memorable. 

4. All Star - Smash Mouth

This music video has a bit more of a story than number 5. As the main character becomes a hero. The video is very colourful and the music video follows the beat of the song. The story is not a very good one, but the concept is good. This is not a very memorable music video, but the song is.

3. I'm A believer - Smash Mouth

The story is better in this one as a man try's to give something back to a girl he has bumped into, but the video makes it out to be him chasing her because he likes her. The video again follows the beat of the song and there is a mismatch of colours scene by scene.

2. Sledgehammer - Peter Gabriel

There is no story in this music video, but is one of the best and most memorable music videos of all time. This music video is very abstract as there is both stop motion and animation in this video. There is a nice blend of colours in this video. The music video also follows the beat. This music video is innovative for its time and that's why I love it.

1. Here It Goes Again - Ok Go

My number one favourite music video. Again there is no story, just like the Ok Go song before, but this is the one that sticks out in my mined. This is because it is both funny and cool, you cannot take your eyes off of it. The music video follows the beat and the video flows because the video is all one shot. Even though there is no story in this music video it is defiantly one of the most memorable.

This has helped me to research more work as I can get more ideas that would make my music video better, this is because I could take different parts from each video and make them into a unique video.

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