Friday 2 June 2017

What I'm Doing In My A2 Practical Next Year

For next year i will not be working in the group I was in last year (Matt Bray, Charlie Davey) and instead i will be working with Eleanor Savage. We had the choice between a Music Video and a Short Film and we have chosen to do a Music Video.

Short Film

This short film is called The Best Man, where a man who has recently became engaged and wants his friend to be his best man, but there is a twist as he wants her killed, but there is another twist at the end where it was all a task for the best man.
  • The acting is very good in this short film.
  • The lighting is very good as it looks natural.
  • The plot is very engaging.
  • The enigmas for the short film are good and is engaging the audience to see what happens.

  • The end of the film is anticlimactic.
  • There is no music in the short film, can make the audience bored.
  • There is not depth to the characters, because of the short time frame.
Music Video

This music video is the official video of The Verve's song Bittersweet Symphony. Where the lead singer, Richard Ashcroft, walks down the street singing. It is a simple idea, but is done so well that it is one of the best music videos of all time.

  • The video is iconic
  • The lighting sets the tone of the video, as it is dark
  • The acting is dramatic
  • There is not a lot of shots

  • The video is simple
  • There is not a lot that is going on
  • Can be boring for some people
We did not choose a short film because they can be controversial and odd, this does not interest me. Also Music videos are seen by a wider audience than a short film, this is because everyone likes music. This is shown more on youtube as there is now a section just for music videos. There is not one for short films.

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