Monday 20 November 2017


Intertexuallity is referencing another text in another text. This reference casn be done in two ways:


A parody is referencing another text in a humorous way. This can be directly at the text or a genre. One exapmle of this  is Family Guy, as the show references different texts in every show and most of the time it is to make the audience of the show to laugh.

Image result for family guy


A pastiche is pating homage to another text, this can be basing the text as a whole on the other text or taking a part of the text that is iconic or has influenced the text and putting it into the film, television show or music video etc. An example of this is the music video to Telephone by Lady Gaga, this is because the music video has many references to Quentin Tarantino's films. Such as the opening text is from Pulp Fiction and the "Pussy Wagon" is a reference to Kill Bill.

Image result for telephone lady gaga

From this i have leant the difference between Parody and Pastiche, but also I have learnt more about intertextuallity.

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