Wednesday 29 November 2017

Ancillary Research

I am creating an advertisement to go into a magazine, below are some film posters that I like in different ways.

Image result for film poster

The Avatar poster is good, one reason for this is the establishing shot at the bottom of the page, I like this poster becasue the two characters at the top of the page, this is because the poster is saying that the characters are close, which in the film they are. The blue of the faces is good as it fits with the text at the bottom of the screen. However, I think that the poster could be improved, one way that the poster could be improved is by increasing the size of the title of the film as I believe that it is too small. 

Image result for shepard fairey

Even though this is not a film poster, I think that I can use this design in my poster, as it can make the poster stand out and look good. However, I would make the colurs black and white as the technicolor will not fit with the theme of the music video. The cartoon effect is one that I think looks good and aesthetically pleasing.

Image result for titanic poster

The tilte of the film being in the black of the bottom of the Titanic is good. I like that the boat is vertical as it is foreshadowing what will happen in the film. The characters at the top of the page is similar to the Avatar poster, this is because I would like this effect of one behind the other in my poster. The fade of the characters at the bottom of the page is also something that I would like to have in my poster.

Related image

The two characters in the middle of the poster is different to the posters previously, this is more of what I want in my poster as I plan to have nothing underneath the characters. I like that the poster is all in dark colous as my poster will be similar to this as in my poster there will be no bright colours as it does not fit the tone of the music video. I like that the title stands out from the rest of the poster.

Image result for film poster

This poster is similar to the previous posters as they also have large images of the characters on the poster, however, this is more similar to the Avatar and Ttanic poster, which is not what I am not going for, because I want the characters to be more in the centre of the screen. However I like the image of the ships below the characters as it looks aesthetically pleasing.

Image result for film poster

This poster is the most similar to the look that I want in my poster, as it has the main character in the foreground and another rightbehind in the background. I like the image of the skeleton behind as it looks faded and fits with the colours in the background, this makes the poster look better in my opinion. The gold title below contrasts well with the colours in the actual poster.

From this I have learnt what actual posters look like and I have learnt how to take elements from the posters and make it into my own piece.

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