Friday 10 November 2017

Audience feedback on one minute of footage

This is the audience feedback to the one minute of footage that was edited.

  • The first shot of the main character has his eyes looking down. From this feedback, I will refilm this shot so that the main character is staring at the camera.
  • It would look better if the characters infront of the green screen should be in black and white, this will mean that the shot would look better. I will edit the film so that the characters in the foreground will be in black and white.
  • The characters in the chourus have their glasses on, this shows the refelction. I will refilm this shot, with the characters without glasses, this will make the shot better.
  • The chorus needes to have cuts in it so that the viewer will not get tired of the same shot for so long. From this, I will add in more shots inbetween parts of the chorus.

I have recently shown the one minute of footage to my primary audience, from this they have given me feedback on the music video so far, from this I can improve the music video, to make it better quality.

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