Wednesday 8 November 2017


The audience is critical when making a media product, without the audience there are no viewers, this means that there is no money earned. So the media industry tailors their products to a certian audience. From this they can collect feedback from the audience and make the product better from the improvements made. Through the process of making my music video, I will get feedbakc from my audience to make the product better.

Fragmented audience

A fragmented audience is the division of audiences, the audience are in smaller groups because of the variety the media can be consumed. For expample news can be consumed in different ways, Television, Newspapers and, now becuase of the impact of new technology, the Interent

The different types of audience

The two different types of audience are Mass and Niche audiences. A mass audience is one that consumes main stream media. Where as a Niche audience is a audience that has a unique interest. When creating my music video I will be using the critisism that I will get from my Niche audience.


Audiences are categorised so that media products are tailored to their interests, this means that the product will be successful and earn lots of money when it is released. The categories are:

Group A - Lawyers, Doctors, Well paid professionals

Group B - Teachers, Fairly well paid professionals

Group C1 - Junior management, Nurses, "White collar" professions

Group C2 - Electricians, Plumbers, "Blue collar" professions

Group D - Drivers, Post workers

Group E - Students, Unemployed, Pensioners

The audience that will be my niche audience is Group E, as my product is tailored for teenagers, this is why I will use a teenage cast in my music video.

Pick and Mix theory

The pick and mix theory is the idea that audiences consume different types of media, such as YouTube and Spotify. 

From this I have learnt the different types of audience that are there, I have also learnt about the niche audience I will use and what group my niche audience is. This helps me as I can mold my music video to be of my niche audience's interests.

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