Tuesday 17 October 2017

Audience feedback from the secondary audience

I have done some more audience feedback with my secondary audience.
I explained my idea to a mixed audience of males and females aged 16 and 17. I found out that the majority of people that like the idea are male. So I need to find out what appeals to males in my audience so they will watch my video and enjoy it.

This is what people thought about my music video idea:
The flashback idea is good, this is because it is different and they have not seen a music video with that sort of idea. This is good because the idea attracts people to watch it, this is because it is something different to the stereotypical music video.
The audience also thought that the story of my music video had a lot of depth, this is good as because the narrative is a major aspect of my music video, this means that the story needs to have depth and people need to like the idea. Depth means that my music video has replay value which means the product is successful and it will make money for the artist.

This has helped me as it means that I know what the audience likes about my music video, this means that I can improve on the aspects that they did not enjoy, this means that my video will become a better product, this is good as it will mean that more people will watch my video, making more money for the artist.

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