Monday 30 October 2017


In my music video, I have two characters, a male and a female. I want to represent the characters in different ways throughout the film.

This is Eddie Wilkinson, he is playing the male character in my music video. He is 17 years old, this is good as it is the same age as my target audience, this means that it is easier for the audience to identify with the character.
I have chosen Eddie because he fits the stereotype of a male teenager, this is what I want the character to be like. It means that more people can identify with the character.
I will represent Eddie in two different ways, the first way is in a strong and happy. As he is in a relationship. I will do this by using different coloured clothes and filters on the flim. However this will change towards the end of the music video, this is because the relationship has ended and he cannot move on. This means that I will represent him as weak and sad. This will be done in the same way that I am representing Eddie at the start of the video, this means that there is continuity in the music video.

Inline image

This is Joy Strason, he is playing the lead female role in my music video. She is 17 years old, I have chosen Joy as she is the same age as my target audience and this means that the audience will identify with the character more.
]Another reason I have chosen Joy, is that she fits the stereotype of a teenager, this is good as it means that the audience will know what age she is in the music video.
Joy will be represented in two differetn way, this is like Eddie, as at the start and the end of the music video she will be represented as being strong and happy. I will do this by using filters on the film and the clothes Joy will be wearing. In the middle of the music video, however, Joy will be represented as being sad and weak. I will also do this by the clothes that she will wear and the filters that I will use on the film when editing.

From this I have learnt how to represent each character and when I will change how I will represent them. This is good as I can now move on to the filming of my music video and editing it in the way I want the characters to be represented.

Tuesday 17 October 2017

Audience feedback from the secondary audience

I have done some more audience feedback with my secondary audience.
I explained my idea to a mixed audience of males and females aged 16 and 17. I found out that the majority of people that like the idea are male. So I need to find out what appeals to males in my audience so they will watch my video and enjoy it.

This is what people thought about my music video idea:
The flashback idea is good, this is because it is different and they have not seen a music video with that sort of idea. This is good because the idea attracts people to watch it, this is because it is something different to the stereotypical music video.
The audience also thought that the story of my music video had a lot of depth, this is good as because the narrative is a major aspect of my music video, this means that the story needs to have depth and people need to like the idea. Depth means that my music video has replay value which means the product is successful and it will make money for the artist.

This has helped me as it means that I know what the audience likes about my music video, this means that I can improve on the aspects that they did not enjoy, this means that my video will become a better product, this is good as it will mean that more people will watch my video, making more money for the artist.

Sunday 15 October 2017

Shot testing

I have tested different shots of the male character mourning., This was done in different locations, and in different ways so that I can see which one is the best for convaying the characters emotions.

Inline imageInline imageInline imageInline image

From this I have learnt how to convay to the audience how the character feels emotionaly.

Shot testing

I have tested different shots of the female character moving on, one way that can show this is to display the female in a group of boys, having fun, so this is what I tested.

Inline imageInline image

From this I have learnt that the way to convay that the female is moving on is to show her with males, this shows the audience that she is moving on.

Saturday 14 October 2017

Shot testing

I tested some different ideas and shots of the two characters havig an arguement. There were different actions and angles of the characters arguing.

Inline imageInline image

From this I have learnt that the characters can express emotions and arguing in different ways, this means that I will need to find the right type that I want to convay to the audience.

Thursday 12 October 2017

Weather on the days of filming

I checked the weather for the days that I have scheduled to film my music video. This is because if the weather is not what I want it to be, it can be a problem for the filming and I will need to set a new date that has the correct weather. I used BBC's weather website to get the forecast.

Sunday 22nd October

The weather is good for the the day. This is because I am filming on the beach, so the stereotypical English weather is good for the shoot. The sunny aspects are good as well, this is because some of the scenes will be of the characters being happy, so the light will signify to the audience that the characters are happy. This will be emphasised with filters that will be put on in the editing. 

Monday 23rd October

The weather for the day is again good on this day I will be filming the park scenes, there does not need to be sun because the scenes will feature the breakup of the characters, so this scene will have a filter on it, so the light does not matter. There will also be happy scenes that will be filmed at the park, there will also be filters on these scenes as well.

Tuesday 24th October

The weather is the same as the day before, this is ok as I will film the street scenes on this day, these will be filmed in Exeter. This means that the sky will be masked by buildings. However there will be filters on these scenes. As there will be both happy and sad scenes that will be filmed in the city.

From this I have learnt that the weather is very important when planning when to film my music video, as if I have not checked the weather before, the weather could be wrong, this means that filing could be postponed, this is bad as it wasted time, this time could be spent editing.

Monday 9 October 2017

Filming Schedule

22nd October
Exmouth beach
Actors holding hands – long shot
Actors eating ice cream – Close up
Actors sitting on rocks – Mid shot
Actors having fun – Long shot
Female reminiscing – Long shot
23rd October
Canaan park
Actors holding hands on a bench – Close up
Argument scenes:
Faces – Close up
Body language during argument – Mid shot
Walking away from each other – Long Shot
24th October
Exeter, Gandy street
Walking next to each other – Long shot
Female fades away – Long shot
Walking past each other – Long shot
Walking – Panning shot

This will all be filmed in the half term. The Green screen will be filmed after, this is because I need to use the drama studio in the school, I will also need to use equipment in school.