Monday 12 February 2018

Gaining audience feedback

To try and gain some more audience feedback on my music video, I made a twitter post, reaching out to people to gain some more audience feedback, as this will help me to improve my music video and make it a better product.

Inline image

I also played the resent draft in front of my audience

Inline image

This is what some of them said about the video

Friday 9 February 2018

Music video draft

This is the latest update of my music video. There are a few issues that need to be sorted out. Such as, some of the clips are not working and they go green. Also, the images kept on changing the cropping of the images.

Thursday 8 February 2018


From the storyboard that was made earlier in the research of my music video, was not a good quality, this meant that I did not really use the storyboard, however I used the storyboard so keep to the narrative, however I did not use the scenes that were in the storyboard.

Wednesday 7 February 2018

Feedback on digipak so far

I have recently presented my digipak so far to an audience. From this I have collected valuable feedback on my digipak, so that I can improve it.

Inline image

  • The audience believed that the style and filter on the images was good because it fit in with the style of the poster and it looks like a cartoon.
  • The text style on the title page looks good as it also fits in with the poster.
  • The audience said that I need to fill in the last two spaces to make the digipak look better.
  • They thought that I should add in one of the spaces, a photo of the characters in the chorus, as everyone liked that scene in the music video.
From this, I have gained valuable feedback on my digipak, I now know how to improve it and make my digipak more presentable to the public.

Ancillary digipak: so far

Below is my digipak so far, I have completed 4 of the 6 squares in the digipak and So far the digipak looks good and good quality. I will also need to add the text on some of the squares.

Tuesday 6 February 2018

Audience responce to the advertisement

After completing my advert, I presented my advert to an audience and asked for their opinion on the magazine advert.

  • The audience thought that the filter on the advert was very good and makes the advert look better.
  • They thought that the text font for the song and the band fit the style of the band very well.
  • The logo of the record company looks good in its spot on the advert and fits with the advert.
  • The social media links are in a good place on the advert, as if they where anywhere else it would draw the viewers attention from the advert.

From this feedback from the viewers, I know that my advert is good and is presentable to the public. From this I have learnt that audience feedback is key when improving my magazine advert.