Saturday 1 July 2017

Media Theorists

Roland Barthes

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Roland Barthes concluded that a text has many meanings and can be interpreted in many ways.
The Action code allow the audience to interpret and identify what is to come next. This can be done in many ways such as the x is shown when the next person is going to die in The Departed
 The enigma code was created by "who died, how ad who did it" that is found in crime dramas. This is the driving force of the narrative and is what creates tension and satisfies audiences demands.

Claude Levi Strauss 

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 Levi Strauss came up with the Binary oppositions that are used in texts. The offer powerful levels of meaning in a text and is the theme of the film. Some of these include:
Good vs Evil
Male vs Female
Humanity vs Technology
Nature vs Industrialisation
East vs West
Dark vs Light
Dirt vs Clean

 Jacques Derrida

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Derrida took Barthes' and Levi Strauss' ideas further by seeing these "binary pairs" were not equal in the text. One of these is always more valued than the other, this often enforces stereotypes.

Vladimir Propp

Image result for vladimir propp
Propp identified plot elements and developed these into an 8 spheres of action narrative theory.
These are:
The Villain
The Hero - Seeking something
The Donor - Provides an object with majic property
  The Helper - Aids the hero
The Princess - Rewared for the ero and object of the villain's scheme (can be male)
Her Father - Who rewards the hero
The dispatcher - Who sends the hero on his way
The false hero

Tzvetan Todorov

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Todorov is a Bulgarian philosopher who came up with a simple five step narrative theory:
 A state of equilibrium
A disruption of that order by an event
A recognotion that disorder has occurred
A attempt t repair the damage of disorder
A return or restoration of new equilibrium
Image result for todorov's equilibrium

Circular Narrative

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The story can start at any part of the narrative.
The process can involove transformation, such as of a character.
Some genres can have multiple disruptions.

Syd Field
Image result for syd field
Field believes that a typical Hollywood film is divided into three seperate dramatic sections or acts.
To move from one act to another, key plot points occur which turn the lives of the main characters. These steps are:
The Setup
The Confrontation
The Resolution

From this i have learnt different ways films are interpreted. I have also learnt how modern day texts use these theories to make the text better.

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