Sunday 28 January 2018

Shot List

Below is a shot list that I will use the next time that I go filming, I will use this to direct the actors and remind me of shots that need to be filmed.

Friday 26 January 2018

Weather for next filming session

Getting ready for the next filming session means that I will need to check the weather, this means that I will be able to check what day is the best for filming.

Looking at the forecast, I have chosen Friday, this is because it has the best weather for what I want to film at the right time, this being between 1pm and 6pm. I will then be able to film a range of different shots, happy and sad.

Friday 19 January 2018

Learning how to edit green screen

When editing my music video, I needed to learn how to remove the  green screen in the lip syncing clips, I did this by looking it up on the internet. I used the website "How to Adobe Premiere cs4 for green screen editing and chroma key"

This website helped me to understand how to remove the green screen clips, however, I did not have the same tool that is talked about in the website article (above), so I used the "Colour Key" instead as this tool did the same job as the chroma key feature. 

Sunday 14 January 2018

Filming the green screen

Below is an image of the most resent filming session, in this filming session I filmed the green screen sections of the music video, this is the chorus lip syncing and the lip syncing in the verses as well. I used the main male character (Eddie) and some extras for the chorus.

Wednesday 10 January 2018

Location shots

When filming the first lot of clips that I can edit in my music video, I used four locations to film different sections of the music video.

This location is the River Otter, in this location I filmed a number of shots of the two main character before they had broken up. I used the river as a background for these clips as they look aesthetically pleasing. I also used this location to film, as it is a romantic location and is a believable place for a couple to go on a date. When filming at the river, I chose a day that was sunny and bright, as this will also make the video lighter, which is good because I was shooting the happier shots.

This location is Gandy Street in Exeter, Devon. I am using this location because it is a narrow street that people can see from one end to the other, this is good for the shots that I want from this location. The shot from this location is of the main character (This character being played by Eddie) walking towards the camera, alone. On this day I wanted a darker and dingier day, the narrow street helped, as the shot is meant to be sadder then the previous location.

Inline image

The image above is of Exmouth beach. In this location the shots that where taken were of the two main characters when they are in their relationship, I am using this particular quite heavily in the first section of the music video, this is because the beach is quite a cliche location to have a date. I have filmed many different shots in this location in different areas of the beach. When deciding on a day when I wanted to film, I chose a day that best suited the feel of the scene, so I chose a day that was bright.

I used the main hall of The King's School to film the green screen and lip syncing sections of my music video. This was because the natural lighting of the main hall was good and I could then edit the green screen. For the green screen sections I filmed all of the lip syncing that Eddie has to do and I filmed the chorus that uses four more people (From left to right - Andy, Jamie, Eddie, Sam and Liam).

Monday 8 January 2018

Green screen testing

I have taken some photos and videos of one of my friends so that I can test whether the green screen will work or not, however these tests did not work because I used a light when taking the images and films, this cast a shadow on the green screen, this meant that there where parts of the background that were not green, this meant that there was too much of a contrast to edit these.

From this I have learnt that when filming the lip syncing and green screen sections of my music video, I should not use lighting, especially from the side of the characters, as this will create a shadow and will meant that I will not be able to remove the green screen.