Sunday 1 April 2018

Final Blog post

Now that it is nearly the end of the media studies course. I feel that my editing and knowledge of the subject has increased greatly, as I started not knowing much about this subject, to knowing a great deal and enjoying all parts of the course, from researching and planning to making the practical work. I have learnt many new skills that I would not have learnt if I did not choose this subject, things like working with Audacity and PremierePro, two different software that I had not used previously in any detail.

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 I have really enjoyed learning these new skills and wish to continue using these new developed skills in the future, I am very proud of my music video that I made with Eleanor and what I have done in the two years studying media studies, from my preliminary task that was the first time I have edited some sound and my first experience of filming. Too my final piece, where I used PremierePro and a green screen to its full use to create a music video that looks professional.