Sunday 1 April 2018

Final Blog post

Now that it is nearly the end of the media studies course. I feel that my editing and knowledge of the subject has increased greatly, as I started not knowing much about this subject, to knowing a great deal and enjoying all parts of the course, from researching and planning to making the practical work. I have learnt many new skills that I would not have learnt if I did not choose this subject, things like working with Audacity and PremierePro, two different software that I had not used previously in any detail.

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 I have really enjoyed learning these new skills and wish to continue using these new developed skills in the future, I am very proud of my music video that I made with Eleanor and what I have done in the two years studying media studies, from my preliminary task that was the first time I have edited some sound and my first experience of filming. Too my final piece, where I used PremierePro and a green screen to its full use to create a music video that looks professional.

Friday 30 March 2018

Evaluation Question Four

How did you use media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation stages?


·         Media technologies helped me when constructing my music video and my ancillary tasks. One of these being Web 2.0 and especially YouTube, as it helped me to understand the software that I used to make my music video. I searched for different clips that would show me how to complete different tasks and use different tools. One example of this was that I searched up how to use the green screen and how to edit the green screen, this helped me as then I was able to place clips behind the characters.
Image result for green screen
·         I used Adobe PremierePro to edit my music video. I used this software as it is easy to use and easy to learn as I had no previous knowledge on how to edit and I did not edit any videos before editing my music video.

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·         I used Adobe Photoshop to edit my ancillary tasks. This is because I had previous knowledge of using this software as I had used it to edit other photos. This meant that I did not need to learn how to use a different software and this meant that I could get the editing done at a consistent and good pace and still make a quality product that I could not do if I did not know how to use the software.

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·         When researching my music video, I used Web 2.0 and YouTube, like when I constructed my music video. As on YouTube there are many different music videos that can be viewed, as this is where I got my inspiration for my music video. This is from The Verve “Bittersweet Symphony”. However, there are also student music videos on YouTube that students made in previous years. As I also took some inspiration from those, as that is where I got the idea for the green screen.

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·         I used Google and Bing images to collect research on different adverts and different Digipacks, these really helped me as I found it hard for ideas and completing some research really helped me to gain an idea of what to do for my advert, but also my Digipack.

Image result for GoogleImage result for Bing


·         In the planning stage of my music video I used BBC weather, as this helped me to plan when I will film my music video, as I did not know what days would be the correct forecast, so BBC weather meant that I was able to find the best days to film so that I can then tell the actors what the best days for filming would be. One benefit for using Google is that there is an advanced search tool, this is good because then I can narrow down my search to find the correct information that I want. One benefit for using Bing is that there is a lot more information on the home screen so you can find  news and information quickly. 

Image result for BBC weather

·         YouTube, was also useful when I was planning my music video, as I use the website to upload tests for lighting and sound, as this really helped to decide what was the lighting that I would use and what the sound would be like. I also used YouTube to upload my animatic. This helped me to see what was good about my idea an d what parts of my idea will need improving before filming.
·         I also used Blogger, as I used it to document my planning of my music video, however, I also used it to make my rick assessments and my filming schedules, this really helped to gain a better understanding of the risks involved when filming and  what I will be filming when I will go out to the locations and film the scenes for my music video.

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·         When it came to my evaluation questions I used digital technology to present my evaluations in different ways, as it will then make the evaluations more unique and look more aesthetically pleasing for people and my audience. I used SlideShare, Emaze, PiktoChart and Blogger to make my evaluation questions and using all of these different websites make the questions more unique from each other and makes my blog more exiting to look at.

Thursday 15 March 2018

Three Media products

This is my three media products, my DigiPack, Advert and music video put together to show all of the texts link together.